Mossman Gorge is part of Daintree National Rainforest, on the southern end of the park. It's the most accessible part of the rainforest to where we are staying, and since none of us felt like driving 4 hours in one day to see Cape Tribulation we settled on visiting Mossman instead. It's a beautiful area of the rainforest, but the real draw here is the swimming hole. So, we suited up and headed into the rainforest. The swimming hole is not far down a well laid path, and luckily it wasn't horribly crowded when we visited. It was sweltering hot and the ice cold water was really refreshing. Signs are posted to be careful of the current, and sure enough, while we were there a woman was swept down the river. Her party took off after her, and after some very scary moments, they were able to pull her to safety. Justin and Elle witnessed this from a rock in the middle of the river, so there was some apprehension in getting them back to shore.
The picture of Justin and Liam , Liam has the same expression on his face as daddy. How cute. He is so darn cute.
Stick to the pool!!!!!!!!!! Love ya