Saturday, February 6, 2010

We Killed the Camper

After five very successful days in our camper, this is how our trip ended. An hour outside of Auckland, with 3 hours until our flight departed, we killed the camper.

No idea what happened, but it was not fixable in the time we had left. In a display we are finding quite typical of New Zealanders, everyone was willing and wanting to help. We pulled into a petrol station and they very nearly gave us their only telephone for an hour until we had it all sorted out. In the US, they most likely would not even have let us use the phone. The lady at the camper rental persevered until finding us a taxi that would get us to Auckland in time. This was no small task in the remote rural area we were stranded in. In fact, the driver that did show up stated that she had only even been to Auckland once or twice in her life! Everyone was so kind and helpful that we got through this mishap with nearly no stress at all, and even had a few laughs.

Justin did note that he hopes not all our adventures end in some kind of mishap, as did this and Fiji!
We made our flight and are now in Christchurch. Once again we are in awe at the ease with which one can move in this country. Everything seems cleaner, more efficient and nicer. The kids are both still doing great!

We are happy to be in a large hotel room tonight, although camping was a great experience. Onward to Queenstown tomorrow, only a 7 hour drive;)


  1. More adventures to add to the list! At least no one was hurt and it sounds like the locals are pretty nice there. Glad you made your flight and enjoy the ride to Queenstown. It's so great to hear that Elle and Liam are being such good travelers for you! Have fun and stay safe! xoxo

  2. I agree with Cindy. Everyone is fine and no one was hurt. These are just some experiences that one day you will look back on and have a great laugh over.
    Continue on and upward.
    xoxo to all. Makes some great anecedotes for your book I think you should write

  3. LOve the picture of Justin
    As if to say "Well we made this far"!!!!!
    Cute pic.

  4. I'm happy that it all ended okay, even with the camper being "killed". I'm loving your updates!

  5. Are you sure you are not taking a "Chapa Adventure" That kind of thing always happens to us... I guess the only ones that don't have anything happen to them are the ones that never go any where...Are family saying is, "OK Lord you got us this far keep leading us.."
    This has to be the greatest thing you could do for your children. I am sure Justin and you too.... I can see Elle, " We went here and there and we killed a camper.." Just like it was ment to happen....
