Sunday, February 7, 2010

We made it to Queenstown!

I don't know what it is with us and washed out roads, but once again... this was our road to Queenstown. We had a navigation system that liked to take us on shortcuts, and generally they were quite efficient. But when we deviated from the main road, which was small to begin with, and went past a chain fence down a gravel road we started to question the system. Then we hit this. This time, however, we we decided to cross the river, mostly because we had no other earthly idea where to go. Luckily, we made it unscathed, although we haven't yet checked the underside of the car. Soon enough we had jumped back on the main road and probably cut 20km off our trip!

After 6.5 hours of driving, through mostly nothingness (again reference above pic) we arrived to Queenstown. And by morning we were already enamoured by our temporary home, thinking and scheming about staying forever. The other pic above is the view from our living area/deck. It's gorgeous here, more on that later...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My spelling was all messed up on the last comment.
    What I said was "Once again wish I was there"
    When I saw that water, I probably would have walked across and met you on the other side. LOL
    So glad you are all having a great time.
    Take care. Love ya

  3. Glad you guys made it over the water ok. The view looks amazing!

  4. These areas are just so breath taking.
