Monday, March 22, 2010

Going to China

Today we head to China, the real China. Hong Kong has been part of China since the handover from Great Britain over a decade ago, but it seems no one really considers Hong Kong China. Everyone here says "In China, it's different", for example. They have their own money, Hong Kong Dollar versus the Yuan in China. They speak Cantonese whereas most of China speaks Mandarin. They have their own stock exchange. They have uncensored Google results (as of today, I guess I should say they have Google, since it's likely China no longer will). You need a visa to visit China, but not to visit Hong Kong. The air is supposed to be cleaner in Hong Kong, again that's terrifying to us. The list goes on and on.

So, today, we head to China.

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck to all of you.
    Take care and stay safe
    Love to all
